At Pūtahi Manawa we bring together communities, research scientists, Māori and Pacific experts, clinicians, and educationalists to tackle heart health inequities collectively.
About Us
Pūtahi Manawa | Healthy Hearts for Aotearoa New Zealand is a Centre of Research Excellence (CoRE) funded by the Tertiary Education Commission. CoREs foster research excellence, contribute to the education system and to Aotearoa New Zealand’s future development. Our dedication to research excellence drives us to transcend the norm and foster a connected and collaborative environment for cardiovascular health research.
Our Outreach and Education (OnE) team is dedicated to the education and empowerment of young people - rangatahi/tupulaga talavou, whānau/aiga and communities.

Through research excellence, we will progress equity in heart health outcomes for Māori and Pacific Peoples and improve cardiovascular health and well-being for all in Aotearoa New Zealand.
Together, we will reach beyond a ‘business as usual’ approach and create a connected and collaborative environment for cardiovascular health research grounded within the Indigenous paradigm of Aotearoa. Our aim is to take a life course approach, guided by Māori and Pacific values and principles, to address the nation’s crisis of equity for cardiovascular health in Aotearoa by earlier, more precise and personalised prevention, prediction, detection/diagnosis, and treatment of cardiovascular disease.

Pūtahi Manawa is committed to ensuring that Te Tiriti o Waitangi is embedded authentically across all areas of our mahi (work). The values that ground us arise from Te Ao Māori (Māori world view) and the unique partnership with Tangata Tiriti (non-Māori). These values tell us how to reflect on ourselves, how to interact with each other and to encourage, inspire and empower our communities.
Pūtahi Manawa is a relationship-building enterprise with research, outreach and education and supporting workforce capability as areas that foster those relationships. We are a national network and collaborate with Christchurch Heart Institute and Heart Otago at the University of Otago, The Centre for Health in Tauranga and the University of Canterbury.
We believe in taking a comprehensive life-course approach, engaging with communities and drawing guidance from Māori and Pacific values and principles to address the heart health inequities facing our nation. Together, we aim to make a lasting impact on the health and well-being of our communities, ensuring a healthier and more equitable future for all.