The Ako Series aims to explain and discuss foundational concepts regarding Te Tiriti, Pacific Diversity in Aotearoa, Co-Design and Community Engagement and explore how we can apply them in our Pūtahi Manawa work.
Ako Ako – Teaching and Learning
While there is intent to engage with communities and to create meaningful research, many of our members acknowledge a lack the knowledge, expertise and cultural safety to do this. A number of topics to facilitate this process were identified which our OnE team have organised into a series of webinars titled Ako (teach and learn).
The Ako Series aims to explain and discuss foundational concepts regarding Te Tiriti, Pacific Diversity in Aotearoa, Co-Design and Community Engagement and explore how we can apply them in our Pūtahi Manawa work. Below is a summary of this programme.
Ako Series I laid the foundational knowledge to understand the basic concepts around Te Tiriti, Pacific Diversity in Aotearoa, Co-Design and Community Engagement.
Ako Series II under the theme of "Worldviews" builds on this foundational knowledge to understand the different perspectives and approaches to health and research to enable us to work better with our communities for more meaningful outcomes.
The Ako series webinars are available to all Pūtahi Manawa members either by attending the live sessions or viewing the recordings. If you join Pūtahi Manawa now you will have access both our upcoming sessions and all our past sessions.

Then a research career could be for you!
Opportunities for research careers exist across a diverse range of research areas, spanning various STEM disciplines, industries and sectors.

Ms Sharon Shea
Sharon Shea is the owner/operator of a private-public sector management consulting company and has extensive experience in the health sector and broader Māori development/Whanau Ora and Whanau Resilience/Manawaroa.

Dr Allamanda Faatoese
Dr Faatoese is a Research Fellow at the Christchurch Heart Institute, University of Otago. Her research explores cardiovascular risk among indigenous and ethnic minority communities.

Dr Anna Rolleston
Dr Anna Rolleston is of Ngāti Ranginui, Ngāi Te Rangi and NgātiPūkenga descent. She is managing director of The Centre for Health, which specialises in a kaupapa Māori primary care approach to long-term condition management. She is also a founding Co-director of Pūtahi Manawa | Healthy Hearts for Aotearoa NZ.
Rōpata Pāora (Ngāti Whātua Ōrākei) is the Pou Tikanga for Pūtahi Manawa | Healthy Hearts for Aotearoa NZ. He is a te reo Māori expert and the founder of the popular Tākina method of learning te reo.
Professor Pitama (Ngāti Kahungunu) is the Dean of Medicine and Health Sciences, University of Otago, Christchurch. Her work focuses on addressing Māori health inequities through medical education, health research (including mental health and heart health).
Kataraina Davis (Ngāti Whātua, Ngāti Kahu, Ngāti Hine) is Chief Advisor Māori at the National Heart Foundation and is and is extremely passionate about improving the health and wellbeing of whānau, hapü and iwi in Aotearoa.

Matua Joe Pihema
Matua Joe Pihema (Ngāti Whātua) started in April as Pūtahi Manawa’s new Pou Tikanga. He has worked in Māori education and the Cultural and Heritage sector for over 25 years and is a trustee for the Taumata-a-Iwi at the Auckland Museum and is a senior tikanga advisor, historian and cultural leader for Ngāti Whātua ki Tāmaki.

Dr Karaitiana Taiuru
Dr Karaitiana Taiuru, Director of Taiuru & Associates, is a leading authority and ethicist specialising in Māori rights with AI, Māori Data Sovereignty and Governance in emerging digital technologies and biological sciences.
Naomi (Ngāti Kahungunu, Rangitāne, Ngāti Raukawa) founded and established the nationally and internationally award winning Pūhoro STEMM Academy programme. She is co-founder of Auraki Group, who champion equitable solutions for Māori STEAM and help organisations to enhance outcomes for Māori
Jacinta has extensive leadership and management experience in health research, public health and Pacific wellbeing in New Zealand. As a co-founder of Moana Connect, Jacinta empowers the importance of Pacific worldviews, and the prominence of self-determination in all Moana Research work, including evaluation, research and advocacy.