Welcome, Nau Mai, Afio Mai to the Pūtahi Manawa | Healthy Hearts for Aotearoa New Zealand Centre of Research Excellence (CoRE) website. We bring communities together with research scientists, clinicians, and educationalists to disrupt the status quo and take action against heart health inequities.

Pūtahi Manawa Vision

To achieve heart health equity for Māori and Pacific Peoples.

Kia tutuki ai te mana o te hauora ngakau mo nga iwi Māori me nga iwi o Te Moananui-a-Kiwa.

Ia ausia le tulaga tutusa o le soifua maloloina o le fatu mo Maori ma Tagata Pasefika.

Tihei mauri ora!
Ko te pūtahi manawa o te ora
Ko te pūtahi manawa o te kōrero
Ko te pūtahi manawa o te iwi
Ko Pūtahi Manawa tēnei e mihi ake nei
Kei ngā mana, kei ngā reo
Nau mai haere mai ki tēnei pae tukutuku o Pūtahi Manawa


Behold, the breath of life
A gathering of heart health experts
A confluence of research  
A meeting place of communities 
We wish to welcome you all 
The many people and voices
to the online home of Pūtahi Manawa

Students engaging with OnE team at Kudos Science Spinners, Auckland

Pūtahi Manawa focuses on collaborative research and educational initiatives as we strive to make a significant impact in cardiovascular health in Aotearoa, New Zealand. Our goal is to create a future where every individual enjoys improved heart well-being and overall cardiovascular health.


At the heart of our research is an innovative "business not as usual" approach, fostering collaboration with our Māori and Pacific communities to cultivate a more equitable health research workforce and a dynamic research environment.


These whakatauki proverbs speaks to the collaborative efforts of different groups working together to achieve a common desired outcome.

Māori Whakatauki

Mā pango, mā whero, ka oti te mahi

Through black and red the work will be completed

Māori Proverb


Samoan Muāgagana 

O le tele o sulu e maua ai figota 

Through collaboration, the most difficult challenges can be overcome. 

Samoan Proverb

Pūtahi Manawa will be at the heart of Waitangi Day Celebrations.
Pūtahi Manawa will be at the heart of Waitangi Day Celebrations.
Pūtahi Manawa, Healthy Hearts for Aotearoa New Zealand will participate in this year’s Waitangi Day commemorations at Waitangi.
Member Spotlight – Dr Jamie-Lee Rahiri: Accolades and avoiding burnout
Member Spotlight – Dr Jamie-Lee Rahiri: Accolades and avoiding burnout
Diving into waves and rangahau (research) on State Highway 35.
Diving into waves and rangahau (research) on State Highway 35.
Pūtahi Manawa’s Māori Summer Research programme, Kura Raumati, kicked off last month with a wānanga at Waiparapara Marae in Tokomaru Bay for 26 students.