Applying for Funding

Pūtahi Manawa run a number of funding rounds each year. Applications for funding are made through the Member Portal. Become a Member 

For each round, we will issue a Request for Proposals (RfP) with the details of the available funding and the eligibility criteria. An application form and budget template will also be made available. 

Application Consideration Criteria

  • Only applications submitted on the application form and comply with the requirements, such as word and page limits, will be considered. 
  • Only applications that are submitted by the deadline given will be considered. Extensions to the deadline may be considered in exceptional circumstances if approval is sought before the deadline by emailing us at

Application Submission

This is specific to your educational institution or the type of funding you are applying for. 

See our funding opportunities page for current and upcoming funding rounds. To be notified of upcoming funding opportunities, follow us on our socials and sign up to our mailing list.

RfPs will include the following information:

  • Background
  • Grant summary
  • Grant duration and funding
  • Eligibility criteria
  • Key Dates
  • Budget
  • Funding criteria
  • Scoring and Weightings
  • Other conditions
  • How to apply
Funding Panel

Our funding panel is a multidisciplinary and representative group of CoRE researchers assembled to help assess funding applications for our funding rounds.

The funding panel has two co-chairs who convene the panel and serve for a period of 18-30 months. Our current co-chairs are Dr Anna Pilbrow, Research Associate Professor, Christchurch Heart Institute, University of Otago and Dr Sereana Naepi, Senior Lecturer, Social Sciences, University of Auckland.


When choosing our funding panel, we take the following into consideration:

  • Māori representation 
  • Pacific representation
  • Inclusion of all our research strengths
  • Gender balance 
  • Geographical distribution
  • Deputies to cover for unavailability, conflict of interest and high application load
The Funding Panel Review Process
1. Applications submitted to administrator
2. Discussion Lead selected based on appropriate expertise and absence of conflict by the Funding Panel Co-Chairs
3. At the meeting, Discussion Lead(s) will present the application to the panel of discussion
4. At the end of the discussion, each application will be scored. All applications will then be ranked to reveal those who meet the threshold for funding
5. A final discussion will be made on the rank order and those just above or below threshold for any final adjustment. If possible, all those above the threshold will be funded. Should the budget be limited, then only the top ranked applications will be funded. For some funding rounds eg, Fellowships, applicants that meet the potentially fundable threshold will also be interviewed before the final decision is made
6. A report on the funding rewarded is then sent to the Māori and Pacific Leadership Teams and then the Governance board for final sign off
Applying for Funding
Conflicts of interest (COI)

Pūtahi Manawa follows the Health Research Council (HRC) guidelines to manage potential conflicts of interest in the funding panel – see Panel COI procedures for reviewers for details.