Our Funding Principles
Our Funding Principles


When applying for Pūtahi Manawa funding grants, your proposal must align with our funding principles and processes.  With a strong focus on fostering positive impact and equitable outcomes, our funding principles pave the way for innovative research, collaboration, and community engagement. 

In the table below, you’ll find clear definitions of each criterion along with sample questions. These questions will help demonstrate how your proposal aligns with the criteria, showcasing its ability to meet the specified standards.

Scientific Integrity

How robust is the science?


How relevant is this topic to the aims of HHANZ CoRE?


Evidence of peer review on background work.


Best practice or rules of professional practice in research.

Te Tiriti o Waitangi & Equity

Acknowledgment and upholding of Te Tiriti o Waitangi.


How does the proposal have Te Tiriti o Waitangi focus?


How is Māori partnership/leadership/governance included?


Is data handling culturally-appropriate? (i.e. is there a data governance strategy)?


Fairness and justice, distinct from equality.


How does the proposal address/enhance equity/intervene in inequality?


How will this funding impact equity?


What research is being included that will support equity?

Te Tiriti o Waitangi embedded

Te Tiriti o Waitangi is the founding document of Aotearoa. The principles of Te Tiriti o Waitangi, provide a framework for how we will meet our obligations under Te Tiriti in our day-to-day work. Authentic partnership and knowledge exchange with Māori is our obligation under Te Tiriti o Waitangi. Where partnership is fledgling or not yet fully established, applications must show the pathway and intent for the partnership. Applications that do not demonstrate partnership will not be funded.


Equity Focused

The aim of HHANZ is to improve equitable outcomes for Māori and Pacific people and women in heart health. All projects and workstreams must be able to demonstrate how equity is being advanced). Applications need to show that the work intervenes in, rather than describes, inequity.


If not a co-design project, how are co-design principles included in the research?


What co-design methodology is incorporated – e.g. Kaupapa Māori, Pacific methodologies/classic co-design.

Co-design principles 

Ensuring the voice and views of community are integrated into our work is a vital part of our business-not-as-usual approach.


Translation is the process of passing research findings along the research pathway to the next user and/or end-user.


How will you translate your findings?


How will this project engage with the community and stakeholders?


How will dissemination of results to Māori, Pacific communities occur?


Closing the research-practice / 
research-translation gap will have a positive impact on equity.

Multidisciplinarity and Team Excellence

Tell us about your team


Describe how your team is diverse


Who are the key stakeholders?


What research disciplines are involved?


What is the track record, relative to opportunity of the team?

Multidisciplinary and collaborative

Building connections and teamwork across disciplines in heart health research strengthens relationships and our ability to have impact from the work that we do. Collaboration means working together with stakeholders and communities by sharing expertise, resources and responsibility for achieving outcomes.