Our Early Career Researcher (ECR) Rōpū consists of members based across Aotearoa who all share the dedication and determination to address heart health equity in Māori and Pacific Peoples.
Early Career Researcher (ECR) Rōpū
These members promote the development of ECRs in career progression, leadership and advancement of research pursuits. They advocate for ECRs to relevant groups within and outside of the CoRE, while encouraging participation and developing opportunities for inclusion in all aspects of the CoRE. To ensure an equitable approach in achieving these objectives, this is done while upholding the obligations of Te Tiriti.
If you’d like to join our mailing list, email us at putahimanawa@auckland.ac.nz or complete our contact form.
Do you have a passion for discovery, knowledge and innovation? Then a research career could be for you! Opportunities for research careers exist across a diverse range of research areas, spanning various STEM disciplines, industries and sectors.
Research careers offer many benefits including addressing real-world challenges, making a positive impact in communities, developing new technologies, high levels of intellectual stimulation, collaboration and networking, international opportunities, innovation and creativity, personal fulfilment and more.
Below are the members of our ECR Working Group, who collaborate to support the members of the wider ECR team.
Then a research career could be for you!
Opportunities for research careers exist across a diverse range of research areas, spanning various STEM disciplines, industries and sectors.
To the many, to the masses, I acknowledge. Maungapōhatu acknowledges you from the heels of the great forest of Te Urewera. Te Ramaroa ā Kupe acknowledges you from the glistening waters of Te Hokianga Whakapau Karakia. Tongariro acknowledges from the pipi shaped clouds that decorate Ranginui. Alas, these are my mountains that acknowledge the many mountains behind each and everyone of you.