CV and Other Research Outputs
Please use the form below to upload your latest CV and any other research outputs not included in your CV.
Reporting of 'other' outputs must use PBRF research output types. Summarised below, more details at, pp46-56.
Conference Contribution – Other: A contribution to a conference that has not been published as a paper or as a published abstract in separate proceedings. Includes - oral presentation at a conference (or symposium, meeting, workshop, forum or summit of national or international importance), with or without an accompanying written form; a poster that appears at a conference as a poster only; keynote or plenary presentations to a conference. Excludes - role as panel or discussion member (or chair) at a conference; opening or closing addresses that are not keynote or plenary presentations; facilitation of workshops at conferences; presentations at a conference that are summaries of discussions or papers presented at the conference.
Creative Work
Discussion/Working Paper: A paper published, circulated or presented for discussion amongst peers (or that seeks public input on ways to address an issue).
Edited Volume - editor of a published collection of chapters, conference papers, articles or essays by different authors, which have been compiled and/or edited by a single editor or multiple editors. Excludes regular editorial work as a member of an editorial board.
Other Form of Assessable Output: Outputs that meet the PBRF Definition of Research but do not fit into other categories. This category is only used if the output fits none of the others. Outputs must be underpinned by research and may include - devices, articles published in daily or weekly newspapers or non-scholarly magazines, editorials, letters to editor, brief introductions or prefaces to edited books, comments, letters in journals, dictionary, encyclopaedia entries, magazine articles, websites, broadcasts, interviews, non-chapter contributions to books, for example, case history, side bar, supplements, summaries and commentaries in books or monographs.
Report: A published document that has been commissioned, written by an individual or jointly by several authors and details the results of a research project. Alternatively, it may explore a technical/scientific research problem. Excludes - submissions to select committees, progress or final reports on researcher-initiated projects, summary reports on activities for a review period, eg an annual report.
Software: Originally researched, created and published software or database products of commercial quality
Thesis: Doctoral thesis or Masters thesis of 90 points or above.