Researcher reporting to TEC
All Pūtahi Manawa member who are research active are required by the Tertiary Education Commission (TEC) to provide information on their research activities. TEC would like to see details of research activities in the area of heart health of all our members during 2024, whether or not it was funded by Pūtahi Manawa. The deadline for submission is Friday 28 February 2025. Only include information for 2024.
This year we are collecting information using three online forms:
- Upload CV and record other outputs: use this form to upload your latest CV, detailing publications etc, plus a section to complete on any other outputs that are not included in the CV. All researchers should complete this form.
- Student data: Use this form to provide information on all the students you supervise who are doing research into an aspect of heart health, if any. Please include summer research students you have supervised and use “Other” for the qualification level.
- Patents, Spinouts, Licences etc: Use this form to provide information on any research protection such as patents, any spinout companies and any licences awarded for your research data, if any.
Information for student members
If you are a postgraduate research student and have authored/co-authored any papers in peer reviewed journals or conference papers, please use the CV upload form to sumbit your CV with the papers listed. Also include other outputs such as conference contributions including posters, presentations. A Doctoral thesis or Postgraduate thesis of 90 points or above should also be listed in the Other Research Outputs section.